Mark your calendar next year for the Vinland Fair the second week in August (Thurs-Sun). Our good friends, Todd and Paige, invited us to go. This is the second year that my husband and I have gone with them, and I just love it! It reminds me of a simple way of life and makes me happy. The hot air balloon fest is amazing to watch. We went on Saturday morning, and only one balloon was able to take off because of the weather. We missed the excitement Friday and Saturday evenings when about six balloons took off. I hear that it was a photographer's dream event.
I did have lots of other fun things to take pictures of though. I especially like the pictures of my husband buying me homemade pie for only $1.50. I brought the red bike to fair with me and was hoping to find a young boy to take pictures on it--maybe next year. It also makes me happy to see the old blue and white camper. I took that picture through a screen, which really makes it cool.
My friend, Paige, is a great baker and even won a blue ribbon for one of her entries. She and her mom have a friendly competition going. Her dad also won a blue ribbon for pears that he grew. Her dad made the jayhawk scarescrow, which was really good as well.
The thing that I really like about the fair is watching Paige get really excited about it! I suggested that we have a women's retreat at the fair next year so that I can go all four days.
Check back soon because I have a lot more fun pictures to share with you.