I hope that everyone had a fabulous 4th of July! My husband and I got to celebrate in Colorado with his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. We haven't seen much of the mountains yet, but we're getting to see the little grandson a lot!
I've been fascinated by the flag displays and really appreciated the ones in Merriam, KS. The Fields for Freedom display (
http://www.healingfield.org/) was very cool. There were flags dedicated to individuals who have served our country. The specific names of people on the yellow ribbons really touched my heart. What a good reminder of how blessed we are to live in a country with so many freedoms and brave men and women who are willing to risk their lives for our freedoms. God bless America!
As my husband patiently waited for me to take pictures of these flags, he took one of me with his new little Canon. Then when we got to Colorado, I took a picture of our grandson with his patriotic outfit and flag.
I've only taken 936 pictures in the last two days (mostly of our grandson and his little friends). Don't worry--I'll only post a few. Check back soon for more of this handsome little guy and a precious little girl.